ESM ChangeLog, 2025-01-15

Add: Coordinate conversion tool added in the Tools menu
Add: Tools are now available as standalone applications from the Windows start menu
Add: Get min/max value button added in Legend Tools dialog for some data types
Add: Legend Tools button added in the lower left of the legend properties form
Add: Coordinate columns added in sample report for ESM boreholes
Add: Option to exclude samples without a date in sample report for ESM boreholes
Add: 2D and 3D grid outputs can now also generate an optional data variance grid
Mod: Legend Tools dialog behavior has been improved
Mod: Legend Tools dialog now has Preview and Cancel buttons to allow preview
Mod: Consistent default and override color options for visual objects
Fix: Minor legend properties form scaling issue
Fix: Borehole diagram chart sample double click did not always work properly
Fix: Voxel model did not contain all lithologies after first execute
Fix: Output time begin and end had no effect when generating time steps using actual dates, 2024-12-14

Add: Generate ESM boreholes from coordinates file
Mod: 3D grid slices no longer show an outline by default
Fix: 3D grid slice context menu items were not enabled properly
Fix: Error when starting drilling acquisition mode, 2024-11-25

Add: Voxel modeling. Selected values can now be ignored for horizontal growth algorithm
Add: Voxel modeling. Specified value can now be set above or below a surface (e.g., bedrock)
Add: Soil sample saturation level has been added (dry, moist, wet, very wet, saturated)
Mod: Borehole output 'Classified' has been renamed to 'Voxel model'
Mod: Borehole output '3D Grid Classified' renamed to '3D Grid Voxel Model'
Mod: Kriging user interface has been remodeled further
Mod: Kriging interpolation algorithm type selection has been simplified
Mod: Kriging variogram structure dialog has been remodeled
Mod: Redundant interpolation algorithms has been removed
Fix: Z-slices did not always render properly for classified grids (voxel models) in 3D
Fix: Active state of borehole was ignored by the horizontal growth algorithm (voxel modeling)
Fix: Classified grids did not always render properly in cross sections
Fix: Excel Reader failed for classic RPI Excel data files containing trailing spaces in analyte names
Fix: It was not possible to clear legend pattern
Fix: Borehole time chart not refreshed properly after browsing left and right using arrow keys
Fix: Buttons in chart setup dialog were not always positioned properly
Fix: Map not refreshed when changing pixels in rectify image tool, 2024-11-11

Add: Kriging experimental variogram anisotropy is now shown graphically
Add: Separate optional sample PID column in borehole chart diagram
Add: Show image in borehole image feature dialog
Mod: Kriging variogram modeling user interface has been remodeled
Mod: Kriging variogram modeler now shows directly when opening kriging algorithm settings
Mod: Kriging variogram modeling algorithms now runs in internal code and is much faster
Mod: Exit acquisition mode confirmation dialog has been removed
Mod: Injection Excel report is now always generated when exiting acquisition mode
Fix: Depth did not update properly on lithology slider in drilling acquisition mode
Fix: Stack overflow error when 2D interpolating log data
Fix: Spaces in csv file header after when generated in Excel Reader tool
Fix. Misc user interface scaling issues, 2024-10-21

Add: Borehole filter output, Mean (smoothing)
Add: Borehole filter output, Median (de spiking)
Add: Borehole filter output, Maxima (use spike values only)
Fix: Selected value chart not painted blue after moving up or down in borehole time chart
Fix: Selected value chart not painted blue after moving left or right in borehole depth chart, 2024-10-14
Add: Native support for MiHpt GeoProbe data (*.mhp files)
Add: Borehole string dialog (add/remove/edit) for office mode
Add: Borehole string action buttons added in drilling acquisition mode
Add: Add and edit borehole construction in drilling acquisition mode
Add: Default screen and casing diameter setting
Add: Default screen length setting
Add: Max value in interval output added for boreholes
Mod: Borehole properties dialog reorganized
Mod: Double clicking borehole now defaults to diagram chart if no values are shown
Mod: Default borehole style changed to line in scenes and cross sections
Mod: Borehole chart depth setup form is now sizable
Mod: Minor design change of arrows in data object manager
Fix: Add new borehole tool in drilling acquisition mode did not work with touch, 2024-09-30
Add: Ignore selected values for classified 3D grids (voxel models), scenes
Add: Ignore selected values for classified 3D grids (voxel models), sections
Add: Digitize extent tool with copy to clipboard
Add: Copy to clipboard button added to point digitizer tool
Add: Centered and stretched options added to map and scene report dialog
Add: Copy/paste extent from/to clipboard
Add: Copy/paste grid geometry from/to clipboard
Add: Geometry properties dialog added
Add: ChangeLog page added to
Add: Add new borehole tool added in drilling acquisition mode
Add: Add new borehole tool added in injection acquisition mode
Add: Resample mode added for classified 3D grid cells in scene fences
Add: Resample mode added for classified 3D grid cells in cross sections
Mod: GUI, Change preview graphics color to aqua
Mod: All boxes containing settings for ignoring values have been rename to 'Ignore'
Mod: Grid cell mode renamed from 'Cut' to 'Direct'
Fix: Bug, Export to viewer fails when project contains ESM borehole database
Fix: Bug, Export to viewer dialog text is misleading
Fix: Value blanking for 3D grid data objects renamed to classified
Fix: When adding new scene, rounding now uses the original extent
Fix: No check for illegal file name characters when exporting legend to file
Fix: Menu caption should be 'Delete Borehole...' when deleting injection borehole, 2024-09-19
Add: Hatch pattern added for screens, grouting, and filter pack in borehole diagram
Add: Properties dialog for changing multiple borehole properties in one operation
Add: Properties assigned from previous borehole when adding new in acquisition mode
Add: Legend pattern for classified 3D grid slices in scenes
Add: Legend pattern for classified 3D grid fences in scenes
Add: Tapered grid cell mode for classified 3D grid X and Y Slices in scenes
Add: Tapered grid cell mode for classified 3D grid fences in scenes
Add: Tapered grid cell mode for classified 3D grids in cross section windows
Add: 2D grid output from online WCS data object
Mod: Excel Reader, Sheet names drop down list automatically populated
Mod: Excel Reader, Sheet format drop down list automatically populated
Mod: Excel Reader, No longer requires Excel on machine
Mod: Excel Reader, Execution is now much faster (less than a second)
Fix: Pattern on horizontal slice for classified 3D grid did not scale properly in scenes
Fix: First column of cells for classified 3D grids did now always show in cross section windows
Fix: IsoSurface for classified grids now available again
Fix: Hide/Show all isosurfaces/slices/fences when clicking the all active check box did not work properly
Fix: Fence outlines were shown when all active check box was not checked
Fix: For 3D grid slices, the cells component is now unselected when selecting the bands component
Fix: For 3D grid fences, the cells component is now unselected when selecting the bands component
Fix: Ignore below had no effect for cells in 3D grid slices and fences in scenes, 2024-09-02
Add: Double injection bars for each shot, main product and main additive
Add: Double injection bars for all shots in borehole, main product and main additive
Add: Double status bar for borehole can show all shots or the shots injected so far (tab to change mode)
Add: Double injection pie chart for boreholes in maps (optional)
Add: Check for injection discrepancies when exiting, pressing complete, or selecting another borehole
Mod: Injection shot property labels rearranged
Mod: Borehole and project status bars rearranged
Fix: Shot properties form not enabled properly after editing numeric value
Fix: Default dates 1899-12-30 and 2000-01-01 should not be saved
Fix: Borehole complete status not continuously saved in Acquisition mode
Fix: Not all visual settings for boreholes in maps enabled properly
Fix: Acquisition mode dialog font size not saved properly, 2024-08-27
Add: Date column added to borehole tab sheets in injection report
Mod: Default number of digits in borehole name changed from 2 to 3
Fix: 3D grid artifacts in cross section windows
Fix: Bar value labels disappear in log chart after first value setup
Fix: Bands and lines not disabled for classified grids (map, scene, section), 2024-07-25
Add: Column with borehole name added in sample report for ESM boreholes
Mod: Sample date is now set when adding, not when changing properties in drilling acquisition mode
Mod: USCS predefined legend as default for ESM boreholes
Bug: Lithology not showing correctly in scene for ESM boreholes when edited in borehole properties dialog
Bug: Patterns check box not unchecked when un checking classified in legend properties dialog
Bug: Link to data object in acquisition setup not deleted when deleting data object from project
Bug: Map not updated when moving borehole in drilling acquisition mode
Bug: Add borehole menu item not available when there are no boreholes in boreholes list
Bug: Interval panel not updated properly when adding a new borehole in drilling acquisition mode
Bug: Sample depth and PID increment settings have no effect in drilling acquisition mode
Bug: No check for missing file extension when generating sample report
Bug: No check for missing file extension when generating injection report
Bug: Bottom depth edit box focused when editing PID in sample item frame
Bug: Patterns not always initialized properly when generating predefined legend
Bug: Grid legend not shown in map manager, 2024-07-22
Add: Classified output using lithology from ESM borehole database
Add: Pattern support for layer objects in scenes (walls, slices, fences)
Add: Pattern preview added to legend properties dialog
Add: Used values only option added to show legend options dialog
Add: Color option added to show legend options dialog
Mod: Preview panel in legend properties dialog can now be resized
Mod: Better visualization defaults for classified 3D grids in maps
Mod: Better visualization defaults for classified 3D grids in scenes
Mod: Better visualization defaults for classified 3D grids in cross sections
Mod: Categorized has been renamed to classified in user interface
Mod: Map manager legend text improved for classified grids
Mod: Order in map manager legends have been reversed
Fix: Pattern select dialog buttons not enabled properly when selecting pattern
Fix: Classified 3D grid slices did not show the last cell
Fix: Error when activating bands for classified 3D grids in cross sections, 2024-07-15
Add: Lithologic pattern overlay in legends (new major feature)
Add: Pattern select dialog for each legend item
Add: Patterns main menu item
Add: Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC 37) lithologic patterns included
Add: Classified setting for legends
Add: Legend pattern scale setting for legends
Add: Patterns enabled in borehole value charts
Add: Patterns enabled in borehole diagram charts
Add: Patterns enabled in show legend windows
Add: Patterns enabled in cross section windows (boreholes and layers)
Add: Patterns enabled in drilling acquisition mode
Add: Show legend window now works for both numeric and classified legends
Add: Show legend window options dialog with options for label size and format, legend width, text font size
Add: Show legend window now available from project legends dialog accessible from the main menu
Add: Show legend window now available from data object dialogs
Add: Each data object may now contain three legends
Mod: Legends can now be displayed as either numeric or classified
Mod: Predefined USCS predefined legend now with patterns
Mod: Predefined Jupiter legend now with patterns
Mod: Width of legend in show legend window is now fixed and controlled with a width setting in options dialog
Mod: Show legend window now save settings based on legend name (pops up same place on screen)
Mod: Show legend window now available for multiple legends owned by the same data object
Mod: Show legend window default background color changed to white
Mod: Show legend menu item in data object manager now show legend purpose, e.g., 'Show Legend 1, Lithology'
Mod: 'Custom Color' renamed to 'Override Color' for all visualization objects
Mod: Project grid type moved to DataEx tab for 2D grid data objects
Mod: Lithology legend moved to Data tab for borehole data objects
Fix: Reading EDD format failed in Excel Reader. Columns are now detected by name, not index
Fix: Recovery was limited to 100% in some user interface controls, 2024-06-28
Add: Injection report, column for planned drill depth added
Add: Injection report, column for planned volume added in areas tab sheet
Add: Injection report, column for planned volume added in borehole tab sheets (all, complete, remaining)
Add: Home button keyboard shortcut added for map and scene windows
Add: PID value added to samples report
Mod: Injection report, column order reorganized
Mod: Injection report, tab sheet order reorganized
Mod: Excel Reader, check for redundant analyte value name in classic format
Mod: Excel Reader, EDD format reader updated
Fix: Wrong dialog type when exporting coordinates from vector data object
Fix: Spaces in injection slurry compound names allowed again
Fix: Remove columns in file when number of extra compounds go down
Fix: Samples report dialog not scaled properly
Fix: Borehole not deleted from *_bor.csv file for csv-based boreholes
Fix: Error when importing ESM borehole database value table from Excel file containing formula in cells, 2024-06-17
Add: Revision history text file included in installation (see install folder)
Add: Digitizing points is now enabled in viewer mode
Add: Digitizing a new cross section is now enabled in viewer mode
Add: Digitizing a new scene is now enabled in viewer mode
Add: Dialog for adding objects from other scene after digitizing
Add: Dialog for adding objects from other section after digitizing
Add: Injection report, new borehole tabs: all, completed, remaining
Add: Injection report, number of completed boreholes added in area tab
Add: Base settings button and menu item added in injection plan data object properties dialog
Add: Today buttons added borehole properties dialog for date and end date
Add: Injection area setting dialog shown on screen while editing injection plan area polygons
Add: Injection area points shown as preview in map while editing injection plan area polygons
Mod: Injection report, default print page size set to A4
Mod: Injection report, points tab renamed to boreholes
Mod: Injection report, drilled distance is now calculated from the bottom actual shot (volume > 0)
Mod: Injection report, progress calculation no longer uses the log file, only date of completion
Mod: Injection report, auto generates after exiting acquisition mode (*.xlsx) if user answers yes to the prompt (recommended)
Mod: In drilling acquisition mode, recovery is now allowed up to 200%
Mod: In acquisition modes, drilling and injection, the date is now automatically set to today when adding new borehole
Fix: Scene clipping after digitizing new scene is not always work properly
Fix: 3D grid fences not limited by scene extent as is the case for slices
Fix: Injection report, incorrect page breaks with default page margins
Fix: Wrong dialog type when exporting borehole coordinates, save not open
Fix: Check for spaces in extra compound names. Spaces now replaced with '_', 2024-06-03
Add: Export ESM Borehole database value table to Excel file
Add: Export ESM Borehole database groundwater level table to Excel file
Add: Import and replace ESM Borehole value table from Excel file
Add: Import and replace ESM Borehole groundwater level table from Excel file
Add: Rename ESM Borehole value table
Mod: Calculation of number of points in progress tab in injection report
Fix: Table editor add record is not working, 2024-05-29
Add: Locate coordinate from lat/lon or XY text string in map windows
Add: Add and delete boreholes in boreholes list for some borehole types
Bug: License check out error in some circumstances
Bug: Injection Acq, borehole completed property was not saved properly
Bug, Injection Acq, planned volume for extra shot added in field should be zero
Bug, Injection Acq, pressures from previous shot not applied to extra shot added in field
Bug: Not all mouse hover hints are shown properly
Bug: Error when clicking sample slider after changing interval in drilling acquisition mode
Bug: Borehole dates not saved/loaded properly to/from _bor.csv files, 2024-05-13
Add: Borehole properties dialog can now be shown directly from selected borehole in map
Add: Samples dataset containing PID added for ESM Boreholes
Add: Samples/Soil dataset containing PID and soil analytic values
Add: First sample depth setting for ESM boreholes
Add: Drilling Acq. Customizable sample description shortcuts
Add: Drilling Acq. Buttons for adjusting vertical min/max scale in diagram chart
Add: Drilling Acq. Lithology and description below lithology slider is now shown at bottom of screen
Add: Injection. Generate permeable reactive barrier (PRB) injection areas along polyline
Add: Injection. Vertical offset injection shots for selected boreholes
Add: Injection. Generate injection shots for existing boreholes without deleting existing shots
Add: Injection. Vertical injection offset modes: odd/even point or row number
Add: Injection Acq. Customizable shot notes
Mod: Selected borehole in boreholes list is now reselected after properties dialog
Mod: Column withs in ESM Boreholes custom dataset dialog
Mod: PID is now shown after sample name in diagram
Mod: Borehole coordinates export should now only contain ID,X,Y,Z columns
Mod: Shape tools form has been improved
Mod: Drilling Acq. Samples form now lists all samples for borehole, highlighting the ones for current interval
Mod: Drilling Acq. Sample polygon in diagram is now shown in between top and bottom depth
Mod: Drilling Acq. Sample slider in interval form is now shown in between top and bottom depth
Mod: Drilling Acq. Sample properties form can now be shown from double clicking/tapping sample slider
Mod: Drilling Acq. Date is now auto updated when changing parameters in acquisition mode
Mod: Drilling Acq. PID field added to samples table
Mod: Drilling Acq. PID is now shown in sample list item
Mod: Drilling Acq. PID is now shown in sample properties form
Mod: Drilling Acq. ValueAcq table removed from database
Mod: Drilling Acq. All value forms removed
Mod: Drilling Acq. Value slider removed
Mod: Drilling Acq. Numeric on screen keyboard for numeric sample properties
Mod: Drilling Acq. Sample properties form now shown at top of screen
Mod: Drilling Acq. Numeric on screen keyboard for numeric options
Mod: Injection Acq. Show options form in top of screen
Mod: Injection Acq. Only show previous pressure when clicking a new shot for injection, else show the actual values for shot
Mod: Injection. Always refresh data after borehole tools without prompting
Mod: Injection. Use area settings as default when all selected points are within the same area for borehole operation
Fix: When ESM Borehole database is not found, a new dummy database is created when opening properties form
Fix: When ESM Borehole database source is not found, data object manager node text is not red
Fix: Not all borehole properties are cloned properly when cloning data object in data object manager
Fix: Handle non existing table name for ESM Borehole database
Fix: Handle invalid custom SQL syntax for ESM Borehole database
Fix: Occasional invalid typecast error
Fix: Borehole depth property not updated properly for ESM Boreholes
Fix: Drilling Acq. Copy, Paste, Cut, Split not enabled properly in all cases
Fix: Drilling Acq. Zero values were not saved
Fix: Drilling Acq. Custom lithology description captions not shown on screen
Fix: Menu items in map not enabled properly after injection operation
Fix: Multiple area or borehole operations did not work properly when started from selection in map
Fix: Custom borehole labels in map not saved properly
Fix: Entry in *_Bor.csv not removed when deleting borehole
Fix: Invalid DateEnd value in *_Bor.csv, 2024-04-25
Mod: Labels on by default for path data objects in maps
Mod: Scalable icon in all file name edit boxes
Mod: Scalable icon in all directory edit boxes
Mod: Prompt to add copy when adding data already in project has been removed
Mod: Exported grids are now automatically added to project after export
Mod: Exported map images are now automatically added to project after export
Mod: Option to auto hide map info when exporting map bitmap
Mod: Added data is now automatically selected in Data Object Manager
Mod: Online data are no longer automatically addend to maps after add
Mod: Thicker default area outline for injection plans
Mod: Default map layer symbols for borehole classes has been updated
Mod: Default acquisition color changed to orange for injection plans
Fix: Borehole operation tools are not working
Fix: Value in edit box disappear when checking override for various injection area settings
Fix: Path nodes not saved after editing in map window
Fix: When creating new local file the dialog should be a save dialog
Fix: Legend item frame color shape is not scaling properly in legend editor window
Fix: List header labels are not scaling properly
Fix: Firedac connection frame not scaling properly
Fix: Error when opening borehole properties dialog when containing a zero date
Fix: Planned loads are not copied when manually adding new injection point
Fix: Default Excel extension is missing for injection report causing invalid file
Fix: Load error for time series, 2024-04-02
Add: View source data window for path data objects
Add: View source data window for online data objects
Add: Online connector entries for Ontario elevation services
Add: On-the-fly-projected export for online WCS elevation services
Add: On-the-fly-projected export for vector data objects including lidar
Add: On-the-fly-projected outputs for vector data objects including lidar
Add: Elevation mode in cross sections for vector data (field value as elevation)
Mod: Minimal font size increased in all windows
Mod: Minor change in acquisition mode button style
Mod: Prompt to close project before changing style
Mod: Interpolation algorithm info strings
Mod: Default visual properties for lidar data
Fix: Clipping not turned on when activating advanced rendering for 2D grids in scenes
Fix: Depth not rounded after dragging in drilling acquisition mode
Fix: Sample and value unselected when clicking already selected sample or value in drilling acquisition mode
Fix: Lithology info not refreshed after copy in drilling acquisition mode
Fix: Scene viewer not always closed when starting acquisition mode
Fix: Button text color in acquisition mode
Fix: Project defaults not reset when closing project
Fix: Range check error when adding large grid to scene
Fix: Centroids are not calculated in view source window for shape files
Fix: Map does not open properly when containing large reprojected dataset, e.g., Google Maps in UTM, 2024-03-19
Add: Download new version from web site
Add: Link to web page when new version is ready for download
Add: Lidar interpolation criteria defaults in drop down (point classification)
Mod: Grid map layers now defaults to pixel visual component for large grids (> 1 million nodes)
Mod: Paper unit is now at project level (centimeters/inches)
Mod: Never use advanced terrain rendering by default
Mod: Set project extent defaults when creating a new scene if not already set
Mod: Set scene min and max elevation from project terrain model
Mod: When selecting project grid type, then that type is unselected for any other grid
Mod: Improve visual defaults for borehole features in scenes and sections
Fix: Slicing glitch next to blank areas for slice levels in between node planes
Fix: Scene slice missing outer nodes when in between grid node planes
Fix: Empty boreholes not shown in sections (label should be visible)
Fix: Legend size incorrect for bitmap report when paper size is inches
Fix: Chart setup dialog for time chart is not working properly
Fix: Borehole activation animation is not working, 2024-02-26
Add: Acquisition mode setup dialog
Add: ESM Borehole database
Add: Acquisition mode for ESM borehole database (drilling module)
Add: Borehole diagram chart showing borehole lithology and construction
Add: Combined borehole diagram and values depth chart, including reporting
Add: Unit for well construction diameter in project settings dialog and new project dialog
Add: Properties dialogs when adding new cross sections and scenes
Add: Font size property in borehole chart setup dialog
Add: Borehole ID footer added to printed and exported borehole charts
Add: Support for Erdas Imagine grid files (*.img)
Add: Toolbar in borehole time chart windows
Add: Map background default color button
Add: GPS simulation mode
Add: GPS acquisition mode
Mod: ‘Logs’ are renamed to ‘boreholes’ everywhere on the user interface and in files
Mod: The ‘LogID’ column in csv borehole data files has been renamed to ‘BorName’
Mod: The ‘ScrID’ column in screen data files has been renamed to ‘ScrName’
Mod: Online connector files (*.ttkwp) are now stored in both application and personal libraries
Mod: Generating injection reports to Excel no longer requires Excel on the machine
Mod: Injection report generation to Excel is now approximately 100 times faster!
Mod: Demo project now includes ESM borehole database demo data
Mod: Extra backup directory for injection acquisition has been removed
Mod: Shape file restructure dialog has been remodeled
Mod: Project defaults dialog has been remodeled
Mod: Project settings dialog has been remodeled
Mod: Save as grid default geometry has been removed from scene properties dialog
Mod: The digitize new scene tool in map windows is now click and drag a rectangle
Mod: Full scene extent is now in the project defaults dialog
Mod: Borehole chart setup dialog has been remodeled
Mod: PCX image format has been removed from the chart export dialog
Mod: Chart print dialog has been remodeled
Mod: Create new connector file dialog has been improved (more work is still needed)
Mod: New map marker defaults for all borehole types
Mod: Several right click menus have been reorganized, especially regarding boreholes
Mod: GPS settings dialog has been remodeled
Mod: Improved header sections in borehole reporting
Mod: Default user interface style is now ‘Polar Dark’ but pick the one you like
Mod: Acquisition settings dialogs have been remodeled
Mod: Acquisition start button in map now shows type of acquisition mode
Mod: Confirm exit acquisition mode dialog has been added
Mod: Exit acquisition mode using the escape button has been added
Mod: Title options in cross section viewer properties dialog have been removed
Fix: Importing coordinates to csv-based borehole data objects did not always work properly
Fix: Map print dialog did not resize properly
Fix: Variogram modeler dialog did not resize properly
Fix: Map background color was not saved properly
Fix: In case of black map background and black map info text, the map info text disappeared
Fix: Legend drop down list did not always scale properly
Fix: Output list items did not enable properly in all cases
Fix: Depth axis did not initialize properly for boreholes with no data
Fix: Colon did not work in file names in create new connector file dialog
Fix: Sections and scenes did not always show in map after digitization
Fix: Map did not always refresh properly after deleting scenes and sections from map
Fix: Export time step list was enabled even when there were no time steps
Fix: Context menu for log lists showed enabled items even when there were no logs present
Fix: Occasional error when adding empty csv file to map